Assertions against Kejriwal unite Amit Shah and CS Channi
Assertions against Kejriwal unite Amit Shah and CS Channi

The AAP leader, has described the friendship between the two political opponents as "comedy."

Assertions against Kejriwal unite Amit Shah and CS Channi

Two days before the Punjab elections, two of the state's key players – Congress Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi and BJP Union Home Minister Amit Shah – have found themselves exchanging letters concerning a third – Aam Aadmi Party Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

Amit Shah has written back to Mr. Channi, stating that the claims of Arvind Kejriwal being a separatist sympathizer recently aired by a former AAP leader, poet Kumar Vishwas, will be considered "seriously."

The AAP leader, on the other hand, has described the friendship between the two political opponents as "comedy."

Arvind Kejriwal said, "I have learnt the central government called up Mr. Channi to write the letter last evening and demand an investigation. Over the next two days, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) will register an FIR against me." 

"I welcome all FIRs. But if this is how the central government deals with the security of the country, then I am quite worried about it... they have made national security a comedy. No agency found anything on me even after all these raids and one day the PM realises what a huge risk I am after a poet reads out a poem," he said.

"All the corrupt have united. They have come together because they are scared of me. So yes, I am a terrorist for them. They can't sleep peacefully because of me... 100 years ago they called Bhagat Singh a terrorist, and today, they are calling me, a disciple of Bhagat Singh, a terrorist."

"I must be the sweetest terrorist in the world who makes hospitals and schools for people, sponsors pilgrimage trips for the old. I don't believe the world has seen such a terrorist yet who has roads made, fixes water problems, gives free electricity and solves people's issues," he further added.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah assured Charanjit Singh Channi on Friday evening that the government is investigating allegations that the AAP is backed by the banned separatist group Sikhs for Justice.

Amit Shah said He said it was a severe concern for the country's unity and integrity if a political party had ties to and received backing from a terrorist and outlawed organization. Mr. Shah said such forces' agendas are no different from the agendas of the country's enemies, echoing one of PM Modi's campaign speeches in Punjab.

Mr. Channi said in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi that he had received a letter from the SFJ indicating that the group is in frequent contact with the AAP. He claimed, citing the letter, that the group had backed the AAP in the 2017 elections and continues to do so now.

The Congress leader wrote, "These allegations also deserved to be probed comprehensively and necessary action taken accordingly. I hope you would consider this and take appropriate necessary action immediately keeping in view the seriousness of the matter involved as Punjab has already suffered heavily due to these separatist forces," 

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